First open rehearsal in the Pop Up Studio

Open rehearsals in the new "Pop Up Studio"

Visit from Reiner Feistel and the revival of "The Little Prince"

Igor Zapravdin and stars of the ballet

The bat

The Nutcracker

Fundraising for new sprung floor
The Europaballett urgently needs support to finance a sprung floor for our dancers.

Art. Auction for a new sprung floor
At the last performance of the Europaballett, a significant step was taken towards restoring the training conditions for the dancers.

Season opening with the autumn gala
Numerous new dancers from our ensemble presented themselves in a varied program.

Review 23/24
A review of the past season

Swan Lake Premiere
Impressive opening of the SommerTheaterPark

Opening of Europaforum 2024
We opened the Europaforum Wachau in Göttweig

Young choreographers
On April 20, 2024, the Europaballett once again presented its impressive "Young Choreographers" event

Spring Gala 2024

The bat
At the turn of the year, the Theater des Balletts presented an impressive performance of the popular operetta "Die Fledermaus".

Additional performance due to high demand on 25.11.2023 at 19:00

Carmen/Boléro in Worms
The Europaballett dances Peter Breuer's "Carmen/Boléro" at the "Das Wormser" theater

Presentation of the Karl Musil Prize
Evelyn Terry presents Michael Kropf with the award

Season opening with the autumn gala
Standing ovations accompanied the ensemble at the season opening

The last rehearsals before the summer break...
We are happy to conclude an extremely successful season and now go into the well-deserved summer break.

Ballet Jeunesse

Season presentation 2022
30 years on stage - the Europaballett St. Pölten

Choreographic Forum #1
Michael Fichtenbaum, the artistic director of the Europaballett, has been planning to found a Choreographic Forum for quite some time. Now he decided to transfer the direction of the new Choreographic Forum to Anastasia Irmiyaeva.

We dance again
- The Europaballett St. Pölten opened the 2021/22 season with the Autumn Gala on 16 October.

Top-class opening weekend
St. Pölten's new open-air cultural venue "SommerTheaterPark" opened on 2 July with the baroque mystery Farinelli.

Cultural Summer Lower Austria
On 16.6. we opened the Cultural Summer of Lower Austria and were also able to present our SummerTheatrePark.

Mythos Coco Premiere in St. Pölten

"SommerTheaterPark" - OPEN AIR FESTIVAL 2021
A place that invites you to linger on balmy summer nights as part of an exquisite cultural programme. With a focus on ballet, classical concerts and gala evenings and the security of an open-air theatre, St. Pölten's cultural scene is enlivened with this summer festival.

Ballet - Around the World
Applause, applause for the Europaballett St. Pölten and Alfons Haider!

Start of rehearsals for Madama Butterfly in Novi Sad
Myth Coco
Scenes from the early 20th century, influenced by fashion icon Coco Chanel, made the premiere in Sopron a terrific success

We start into a new season
We start the 2020/2021 season with the autumn gala on 22 and 23.10.2020.

Spring Gala
With "Best Of Peter Breuer", a firework of ballet variations, the Europaballett St. Pölten welcomes spring and its guests at the Theater des Balletts

Wolfgang Amadé in Serbia
Wolfgang Amadé in Serbia